My daughter was in a breech position from 34 weeks in utero. She was born via C-section, and it was suspected that she had Hip Dysplasia at birth.
We had to wait until she was 6-7 weeks to get an ultrasound done and confirm this diagnosis, after which we were told that she would need to wear a Pavlik harness.
She was in the harness for 4 weeks and thankfully, her hips did stabilize.
Since then she has had her 6 months check up and her hips are still stable.
Her next check-up is scheduled for when she’s 1 year old.
When we first received this diagnosis, it was heartbreaking. But we are so grateful that it was caught early on and are hoping that her Pavlik harness treatment was enough to correct her hips forever.
We saved her harness to show her when she’s older. It’s a part of who she is and we believe that it’s important in educating and raising awareness.
Unfortunately, a Hip Dysplasia diagnosis is not something that is not spoken about as often that it should. It’s should be something that parents are told about when the baby is in breech position.
I did my own research to understand what we were dealing with. It’s also hard to explain to family members and help them understand how this diagnosis could have affected her life if it was not treated on time.
All the support and stories I have found online are from cases not in the USA. I am grateful to be able to share our story to help raise awareness, which is so important!