👋 HIPpies, meet Nicolas!

Nicolas was born with bilateral Hip Dysplasia. His Mom had a uterine septum and he was in breech position from week 25, limiting his room to move in the womb.

When he was born at 36 weeks, the doctors discovered that one of his hips was dislocated. During his first ultrasound at 3 weeks old, his family received the diagnosis that both hips were dislocated.

He wore a Pavlik Harness for 3 weeks with no progress. At 7 months old, Nicolas, had a closed reduction surgery, which was delayed due to Covid-19.

🩺 After surgery the doctors reported back that there had been some trouble putting Nicolas’ hips in the joint.

A few hours after surgery an MRI was performed and showed that both hips were out of the joint. The closed reduction had failed and Nicolas was discharged from hospital.

🥼 When he was 10 months old, an open reduction was performed on his left hip. The plan was to have one hip surgery at the time, however, they were able to get both hips in the joint, and Nicolas has put in a Spica Cast. The surgery was very successful, he only had one open reduction surgery.

It has now been almost one year since his open reduction and Nicolas is walking and running.

📆 He is going for hip checkups every 6 months at BC Children’s Hospital, with his next checkup scheduled for October.


