Sweet and smiley Saylor is a 3 year old who had been through a lot in her short life.
Saylor was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at birth and was put into a pavlik harness for 6 weeks and then another more restrictive brace. Neither brace corrected her hip dysplasia so at 8 months she had her first surgery, followed by another at 10 months. Saylor wore a body cast for 11 weeks followed by a rhino cruiser brace, but her smile and positivity never dimmed through all the medical procedures and restrictions to her movement. Unfortunately x-rays showed her hips still hadn’t corrected and at 2 she had major surgery, a double femoral and pelvic osteotomy on her left side.
Saylor’s mom, Melissa said “Every time she had a brace or cast put on she just amazed us with how happy she still was. We thought she was going to be mad and frustrated but her resilience was inspiring.”
Saylor is awaiting more surgery later this year on her right side.
“Dr. Kishore Mulpuri, Dr. Ashlee Dobbe and Nurse Wendy Krishnaswamy have been so amazing and have made this a lot easier on Saylor, Josh and I” said Melissa. “This has been a long haul for sure but Saylor always has a smile on her face and she makes us all smile every day!”